Any help with sexing....

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Any help with sexing....

Post by Intravenous »

my Vampire pleco? Any pictures showing the difference between the sexes would be greatly appreciated :) .
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Post by Kostas »

Although i dont have a photo showing the differences,i thought i would tell what differences i have seen so far between male and female Leporacanthicus.Males have considerably longer pelvic fins and a head that seems skinny and shows many depressions and generally its shape is much more complicated than that of a female that has more or less a ''fatter'' head.Odontodal differences are minimum to nonexistant and its not easy to use them...The best way to sex them is to put caves and woods in their aquarium and see who uses caves and who the woods...The cavers are always males and the ones that hide in the woods are females...The second most reliable way i have found is by pelvic fin as males have extraordinary long pelvin fins while females have a short more rounded pelvin when extended...
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Post by Cristoffer Forssander »

Take a look at L241! There are two images og male and female. Males have broader head!

Quite hard to tell the sex untill the fish is adult, over 15 cm or more!

Can you take a picture form above?

Guardians Of Catfish
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