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Petricola spawning cave that i made

Posted: 18 Mar 2007, 15:51
by rosenthalpottery
Here is a picture of a spawning cave i made for a local enthusiast. He says that he will put marbles on the bottom of the cave and the cats will lay their eggs there. Entrance is on top. PM me and let me know what you think.



Keeper of syno cats up to 15 years old

Posted: 18 Mar 2007, 15:54
by rosenthalpottery

Posted: 19 Mar 2007, 07:13
by sidguppy
we usually use a glass bowl as bottom half, cause the eggs can be viewed if there are any.

and my own spawning caves have a hole in the side and hence a roof wich makes the syno's more comfortable

nice pottery though, but not really useful as a spawning cave for petricola's.
not that they won't use it (heck, they use plantbushes too) but you can't see the inside from the sides.

Posted: 19 Mar 2007, 17:11
by rosenthalpottery
I agree with the hole on the side providing a shelter on top. This cave pictured was a commission by a breeder.