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Large syno needing I.D.

Posted: 10 Mar 2007, 13:40
by Chrysichthys
I think it's Synodontis acanthomias, can anyone confirm? It wasn't sold under any name at all:

Posted: 10 Mar 2007, 14:07
by Silurus
Certainly looks it.

Posted: 10 Mar 2007, 21:32
by Richard B
Agree - acanthomias unless there is a species really close that that's not at all well known (?)

Posted: 29 May 2007, 13:29
by mezzy
Looks like mine. I was sold mine under S Nyassae

Posted: 29 May 2007, 15:14
by Chrysichthys
I have since got another, a 3-inch tank-bred specimen.

Posted: 29 May 2007, 16:04
by mezzy
Do you have any photos

Posted: 29 May 2007, 16:11
by mezzy
What do you keep your acanthomias with?

Posted: 30 May 2007, 14:32
by Chrysichthys
Two Synodontis schall, two Synodontis notatus, a Brachysynodontis batensoda, a Chrysichthys furcatus, and a pleco which thought it could conquer anything until the acanthomias came along.

I'll see if I can get a pic of the little one; it's very bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

Posted: 31 May 2007, 12:59
by mezzy