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Why's your catfish so special?

Posted: 05 Mar 2007, 08:20
by Koltsix
Tell me and show me what's interesting to you about your catfish. I know I love my catfish and I know why. I love mine cause they're eating machines. I love the fact that they have a insatiable appetite. They're always on the lookout for food. I also love their big mouths. It seems they can fit just about anything in them. I also like their gentle nature. They'll eat anything they can fit in their mouth, but other than that they are peaceful. I generally keep cichlids for their beauty and intelligence, but never cared for their aggressive nature. I had totaly written off catfish as uninteresting till I got my Redtail Catfish. Then my world changed and I was opened up to catfish I didn't know existed. Interesting fish seldom seen in common pet stores. However I am still very new to them and the different kinds. So I want you to show me yours. Please share pictures and some experiences with someone whose eyes have just been opened to new possibilities.These are some pictures of my babies for your viewing pleasure. My Jelly Cat(Cephalosilurus Apurensis) and my Redtail Cat. Image Image Image Image

Posted: 06 Mar 2007, 07:01
by M@RS
This is probably going to sound a bit soppy.

I love my pepper cories! They are small (I don't have space for big tank now) and they are very active during the day (unlike other cats that I have had).

They love to eat and are always on the look out for a tasty morsel.

They like cold weather (like me), and they are very peaceful. I love their little personalities and their cory ways!

Posted: 06 Mar 2007, 23:28
by Persephone
My Syno eur mostly likes to follow my biggest pleco around.

My other pleco (in my 55) loves cantalope!

My Royal pleco is skittish but a dollface


My rapheals i see a few times a year .. But its ok



Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 16:12
by kcmt01
We have 3 Hancock's raphaels:
One Anadoras Grypus:
Image ... CH0002.flv

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 18:20
by Persephone
They are adorable!

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 20:50
by kcmt01
I have to say I agree with M@rs on the pepper cories. They are hardy and much less shy than most catfish. When little Johnny gets his first aquarium for Christmas from his grandparents, (usually a 10 gal.) just put a few white clouds and pepper cories in it and he will be hooked on fish for life.

One pepper cory who has "adopted" our Anadoras Grypus:

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 20:52
by Corylover
What makes my babies special is that they all have their own personalities, and they all have their own names. Jojo( spotted raph) is nuturing very sweet,and kind my two cories (L.L and Timi) love to hide behind her. She loves to eat and is not afraid to call out for food (late at night while I'm sleep of course) she's just makes her presience known. Kc on the other hand is stubborn, and hides alot. He's so silent I don't know he's there. L.L loves to come out and say hi to the public. Timi runs when every he sees people coming. L.L cooths him to come out at times . It's just one big happy catfish family.

Posted: 09 Mar 2007, 15:24
by kcmt01
Corylover, I'm honored that you named a fish after me, but did it have to be the grumpy one? :lol:


Posted: 19 Mar 2007, 00:58
by Brooklamprey
I'm personally interested in but only a few Catfish..I normally am interested more in North American Minnows, Killifish and Livebearers or in big toothy ganoid fish.

The catfish I do keep tend to be pretty controversial and very misunderstood. I keep only "parasitic" Trichomycterids and as an off shoot Cetopsids. These fish fascinate me for the fact that so little is truly known or understood about them. These are fish that carry a lot of legend and myth but only far between and questionable truths. It is this unknown that draws me to them and also draws me to keeping them.


Posted: 23 Mar 2007, 02:05
by Sandtiger
I have nine catfish species and love them all for various reasons. My brown bullhead is my favotite. He is very interactive with me, coming to the surface to feed and such, not something most people would expect from a catfish. While a lot of people would consider them ugly I love watching mine swim around the tank and find him quite appealing.
My tadpole madtoms are a riot to watch. I have 6 of them and they are always peaking out from under their rocks waiting for food. They start searching in a frenzy before food ever reaches the bottom. Their movements and smooth appearance make them rather attractive IMO.
I have two pims, a P. pictus and a suspected P. albofasciatus. They are some of my oldest fish, have had them about 3.5 years. Their long barbels still leave me breathles and while they are pretty shy it's a real treat to be able to watch them simply because they seldom move about during the day.
Though I have had him a short time my Asian U.D. catfish is very unique, for this reason alone I already am attached to him.
I won't go over the rest, I have a couple different corys and plecos and they are all great for their own reasons. Catfishes are without a doubt some of my favorite fish to keep overall.

Here a a few shots of some of my cats.
Asian U.D. cat

Brown Bullhead
