Synodontis pardallis?

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Synodontis pardallis?

Post by tomredman »

This fish is on a lfs list, but not on the cat-elog. Can anyone give any info about this fish?
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Post by DeLBoD »

Try looking for "Synodontis pardalis" I think its a spelling mistake.
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Post by tomredman »

I have done web searches on S. pardalis and S. pardallis, but cannot find any info exept that which is on the index of freshwater fish.

It is not on the cat-elog or on scotcat. If someone has got a picture or more info I would love to see it, I am now very curious.

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Post by Silurus »

Have you looked in FishBase? At least you get an idea of size.
I have a drawing that I can send you a scan of, if you need one.
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Post by tomredman »

I saw the info on fishbase (followed the link on Freshwater fish index). I would be interested to see the scan, but it is not important, I am just curious. Is this fish particularly rare for a lfs to get hold of? If it wasn't I would have thought that there would be a little more info on it.

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Post by Silurus »

<i>Synodontis pardalis</i> is a very attractively-colored fish. Think <i>S. decorus</i> (including the barred fins), but with slightly smaller black spots and a lot more of them (covering the head and the entire body), and you have an approximate idea of what it looks like.
I've never seen it in the aquarium trade, though, so I suspect that it's probably a more common species misidentified.
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Post by Chrysichthys »

I have a syno sold as a pardalis but it doesn't match that description. I don't know what it is, but it looks something like S. njassae. Its pattern has darkened to the point where it's fairly non-descript. It's about 6 cm long.

Have a look at S. njassae in the catelog, picture it being darker in colour, and there you are. Worth getting if it's inexpensive, but not a centrepiece fish.

I doubt that it is in fact a njassae, that being a well-known rift lake cat.
(Daily Mash headline)
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