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Help Suggestion plans for huge corner tank featuring catfish

Posted: 02 Mar 2007, 22:21
by costatus7
Hello catfish keepers :D :D :D :D :D

I have been fortunate to have been asked to design, stock and maintain a big corner tank the dimensions are 8ft x 5.6 x 5.6 x 2.6 haven?t worked out the volume quite yet but I think that?s somewhere around 150 gal to 200 gal. At the moment im getting an idea of my stocking. Its needs to be something of fortnightly water changes, not too demanding but quality at the same time. I want feature cats in the set up as I already keep a Goldie plec l14, peppermint pleco l30, striped Raphael, and limas with discus and wild severum and have kept many other plecs and others in the past. When I think of low maintenance I think Malawi or Tanganyika especially as there are many synos, a cat I haven?t kept is this low maintenance? I could alternatively go for an Amazon set up with corys, plecs, pictus, and shoaling species above. Breaking the biotype rainbow fish with a Goldie plec. So many options if anyone has a low maintenance good looking option I would be happy to here from you. in a way I want to do something away from what I have kept which is everything accept brackish and African lakes but still keep cats, I would also prefer a brightly lit aquarium apposed to a dim one, a good contrast of community fish would be great. Am keen to mix frontosa with synos possibly. :D

Thanks for any help
