Liosomadoras morrowi and Platydoras costatus sound

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Liosomadoras morrowi and Platydoras costatus sound

Post by synoguy »

The identification of a Liosomadoras morrowi in the "whats my catfish?" section prompted me to dig up a couple of files from my hydrophone recordings during my research. so here they are:

I've heard this pattern several times from my , usually because he has a real problem with my largest Platydoras costatus when it trys to get into the morrowi's hiding spot. Its almost the exact same pattern to the "call" each time the costatus approches, intrestingly enough its only the largest of my 4 costatus triggers the noise.

the second recording is one of my smaller its about 3.5 to 4 inches long. ... shtalk.wav
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Post by Jools »

You know, I could host those files and add them to the catelog...

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Post by synoguy »

Jools wrote:You know, I could host those files and add them to the catelog...

Your welcome to, to behonest i hadn't thought about offering them before. I've been doing some research into how catfish react to sound and how they interact with eachother when they produce sound etc, which is why i recorded the files. Your more than welcome to put them in the catelog if you want, i also have or will have (if i cant find my existing ones) sounds of S.decorus and the pectoral sound from a gibbcepts too.
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Post by Jools »

I'm can only download the Platydoras file, the other doesn't appear to be there any more. To expedite things, could you just email me the .wav files and I will add them to the catelog pages for those species?


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