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Some people just shouldnt be trusted with fish.

Posted: 19 May 2003, 07:51
by Zack
I found these pictures while looking through other fish pix. He/She is feading pirahnas on catfish. Why catfish?? Why not just get some mass bred goldfish or white clouds, or chicken legs for that matter. Heres the link ... 6789CuZZSm

Posted: 19 May 2003, 07:53
by Zack
woops, that link was only to one of the pictures,

Posted: 19 May 2003, 10:40
by Sid Guppy
Some people should get a one way ticket to the Amazon; a nice half hour at the whipping posdt and an involuntary swim afterwards!
:cry: :cry: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted:

By Golly! :shock:
This planet sure is better of without!

And as a bonus, I'd like to dump the bathtub full of Candiru, just to make a statement....

Posted: 19 May 2003, 12:30
by edward

Posted: 19 May 2003, 14:40
by DeLBoD
This brings to mind the â??Do fish feel pain!â?

Posted: 19 May 2003, 14:54
by Plec0maniac
whoo.. :shock: some people really dont care for there catfishes.. Piranhas devawour nything. so why not feed it feeder goldfishes!!

Posted: 19 May 2003, 15:00
by DeLBoD
ROFL. He could even steal them from peoples ponds if the mentality fits.

Posted: 19 May 2003, 15:49
by FatCat
:x I have nothing to say that would be apropriate for this forum. Poor little guy. :cry:

Posted: 20 May 2003, 01:58
by Zack
My thaughts exactly SG and maniac.

Posted: 20 May 2003, 02:47
by S. Allen

I'm not for feeding live foods for any reason other than to wean a fish off of them slowly, but for god's sake, if you're going to do that shit, please use a fish that's a single bite... otherwise the poor fish spend hours or days crippled and suffering. I don't even care that's a catfish, no animal, even a damn bug, deserves that kind of death. from the looks of it I'd say that thing would have died from infection before the toothfish got to any vital organs... I'm not a violent person but that's got me sitting here cracking my knuckles.

Posted: 20 May 2003, 05:12
by catdoc
So how about sending a link to the animal welfare folks? Maybe the Humane Society? I can't believe the cruel mind that would do something like this.

Posted: 20 May 2003, 06:12
by S. Allen
Eh, I've been considering dropping PETA a line on that one... Maybe they'd prove useful.


Posted: 20 May 2003, 06:16
by Shawnm311
They should throw that person in a river full of pirahnas and then see what they think

Posted: 20 May 2003, 09:43
by Sid Guppy
That's what I meant by the whipping post & the involuntary swim, exactly.

Only I'd like to do the Cirandu-treatment before too; but then again, I'm not a nice guy.

Posted: 20 May 2003, 09:46
by Kostas
I have not seen pictures more disgusting thn this!!!I dont know how he/she could take this picturesand how this site agreed to publish them.Also it makes you :evil: that his/her LFS sell him/her so many catfishes every week without asking his/her tank size and what are the other inhabitants of the tank.If the LFS has asked him this few questions ithink that he would not sell him ANY fish. :ang: :ang: :evil: :evil: :evil: :ang: :ang: :irritated: :irritated: :irritated:

Posted: 21 May 2003, 23:47
by T
So he feeds his P's catfish, so what?Just because goldfish are cheap it makes them less of a fish?IMO fish are fish and all should be kept and cared for to the best of our abilities.From the chepest neon to the most expensive arrowana.But if your going to feed feeders then I dont see why one type of fish gets priority over other another.

In fact its probably more natural to feed them catfish since in the wild a pirahna would never come across a goldfish(although I doubt they would encounter a columbian shark either).


Btw I dont feed feeders because I dont really see the point but I wouldnt judge someone else if they did.

Posted: 21 May 2003, 23:58
by S. Allen
the point, at least the part that bothers me mostly is that it's not an instant death. you feed a goldfish or a guppy and it's dead in a few seconds. the catfish was being grazed on, from what I can tell... not one second of fear and pain and nothing, but hours or days of that.

People feed feeders, it's unneccesary, dangerous, and in my mind there's a sadistic side to it, especially this one(read the captions under some of the pictures), but that's not what bothers me. what bothers me is that animal will spend a good amount of time alive in serious pain and in a panic.

Who knows, it's the same in the end, good life or bad comes to an end and there's no more pain or fear, and no memory of them either. Who knows. I'm not getting philosophical here, but, I dislike that action strongly.

And Kostas, webshots is an online picture hosting site, they've got nothing to do with content, as far as I know you could post porn on their server and unless someone complained they'd never know...

Posted: 22 May 2003, 03:22
by Zack
I think you are missing the point T. Its not that he is feeding feeders but its like Allen said, they are suffering for hours and days and not simply inhaled like a guppy or a small goldfish. Another concern i have is that there are many catfish that cannot or are not commercialy bread and there for ignorant people like him could be putting a sinceless dent in the population, even though yes they are being taken from the wild and this can be concidered a dent as well, but fish that are left to live a healthy life in a aquarium of their suiting could and most likely WILL be the stocks that future fish hatchery programs will spawn from in the future when the wild specimens are dieing out due to habitat loss and polution.

Posted: 22 May 2003, 20:01
by T
At the end of the day he's still feeding one fish to another, something that many people(including members of this forum) do every day.So it suffers a bit more than most but its still the same thing.

Posted: 22 May 2003, 20:57
by DeLBoD
Seriously now my Synos eat guppie fry if they can.

Posted: 25 May 2003, 03:59
by ChannelCat13
:ang: :evil: :twisted: :x OH MY GOSH!!!IT WAS A CHANNEL CATFISH!!!

Posted: 25 May 2003, 04:00
by ChannelCat13
Id like to through them in that tank!!! :twisted:

Posted: 25 May 2003, 06:21
by Taratron
In this case, yes, there IS a difference between using guppies or a catfish as food. The guppy is eaten instantly--its suffering is kept at a minimum. Whereas the catfish is kept alive, and suffers until the predator finishes its meal.

The equal comparison: my corn snake Hex eats only moving mice. But say I take a mouse, cut off its legs, and let Hex eat the twitching, bleeding legs, but keep the mouse alive for next feeding. As opposed to feeding Hex a pre-killed mouse, and making it "move" via tweezers.

Posted: 28 May 2003, 00:24
by T
Its still feeding one fish to another when the fish could be fed dead food.

It happens in the wild and nobody loses sleep over it. :roll:

Posted: 28 May 2003, 00:37
by DeLBoD
Yes/No. Some piranhas only eat live food, but this species does not need live food, as I believe.
So yes its unnecessary.

Posted: 28 May 2003, 00:47
by S. Allen
actually, I'm not sure i believe that any freshwater fish that is commonly kept requires live food... Many texts say rays won't eat pellets, I've got mine chomping a couple different kinds, including the more balanced sinking pellets with lots of plant material... I've got a tigrinus that loves emerald entree... and the baby juruense likes earthworm flakes... fish are way more adaptable than people give them credit for.

Posted: 28 May 2003, 01:02
by DeLBoD
I donâ??t think you can compare rays and piranhas for feeding habits.
But you are quite right about eating habits in aquaria as apposed to in the wild. S. Allen.

Posted: 28 May 2003, 01:53
by Barbie
Piranha do not need live food to thrive in aquaria. People keep piranha that are otherwise boring and plain, in order to watch them kill things. Period. Saltwater lion fish are another fish that people regularly feed live food to. They are also quite easy to train to eat earthworms (far more nutrition in them anyway) and then eventually frozen food cubes. People don't want to put the time and effort into changing the behavior that made them attracted to the fish in the first place. Instead they buy them feeders, out of tanks that are regularly infested with all forms of parasites and bacterial problems to dump in their tanks. Its worth the risk, its all about the strongest surviving, I've heard every line of reasoning imaginable. Its amazing what the human being can justify to themself when it comes down to it, I guess.


Posted: 30 May 2003, 08:21
by stibolt
. . Iuewwww :ang: . . I think the most disgusting thing is that he/she has taken photos of it. .

Posted: 05 Jun 2003, 12:22
by Pectorale
I've never met a pirhana keeper who kept that fish for any other reason but the thrill of watching the fabled piranha kill other fish.I realise they're predators, they do need meat but in the wild they will eat the old, the young and the weak, not a healthy cat with nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, just because some sick pervert wants to show his/her private snuff pictures.
