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L052 or L168?

Posted: 04 Feb 2007, 16:03
by amergim
I got a couple of these as L052 but I'm thinking they may be D. brachyura (L168). Any suggestions?



Posted: 04 Feb 2007, 20:12
by RiC
It looks like L52 to me - according to Aqualog All-L Numbers, the L168 does not change coloration and pattern as yours is doing.

Posted: 04 Feb 2007, 21:56
by husky_jim
L168 for sure! :wink:

Posted: 05 Feb 2007, 20:41
by Janne
L52 for sure :wink:
L168 do change their colour just as quickly that L52 do so the Aqualog is wrong, but they dont get the same colouration...yours is typical L52, L168 remains more yellowish.


Posted: 05 Feb 2007, 22:35
by RiC
Janne wrote:L168 do change their colour just as quickly that L52 do so the Aqualog is wrong, but they dont get the same colouration...yours is typical L52, L168 remains more yellowish.
Thanks for your clarification Janne :D ! I knew that this was a L52 as it looks exactly like mine (I've had her for 5 years or so) and I knew that L168 are more yellow; I didn't know however they could change color and pattern as easily as L52! :roll:

Posted: 06 Feb 2007, 02:55
by husky_jim
Janne,what is your opinion about the differences of color pattern between L52 and L168?


Posted: 06 Feb 2007, 21:11
by Janne
Jim wrote:Janne,what is your opinion about the differences of color pattern between L52 and L168?
...yours is typical L52, L168 remains more yellowish.
L168 gets darker but not as sandy coloured as L52, L52 looks mostly as dirty sand when L168 normally have quite nice and clear yellowish/goldish colour with dark brown pattern...or reverse.


Posted: 07 Feb 2007, 16:45
by Shane
Just have to say that my observations (and I saw lots of these fish in Colombia) match Janne's.

Posted: 09 Feb 2007, 20:42
by amergim
Thanks everybody!