Greetings. I have been holding my breath waiting to see if my fry would survive from my spawn of C042. The fry are doing beautifully and it appears that there are about a dozen. There were originally 40 eggs, but only 18 were left after 3 days. I have been told that this specie has never been captive spawned and documented. If anyone is aware of any previous documented spawning of C042, I would appreciate being made aware of it. TYVM - Frank
Hi Frank,
That is a great photo of the larval Cory. Every detail is visible. Corys sure are touchy until they complete their metamorphosis aren't they?
Nicely done again, Frank! Those barbels are incredible. It amazes me watching the fins develop in such a short period of time, from hatching to about 6 weeks of age. They go from one, "full body" fin(if anybody knows the technical name for it, I'd like to know it, please) to their full definition in such a short time. If you blink, you miss it.
bronzefry wrote:They go from one, "full body" fin(if anybody knows the technical name for it, I'd like to know it, please). Amanda - Quote edited by Coryologist
Hi Amanda. TY for your kind words. The fin like elements above and below the developing myomeres/vertebrae are called "fin folds". Hope this helps. - Frank
when can we expect the next developement pic on the fry?? do you usually have a set growth date you take pics of your fry at??
Hi Adam. I brought the fry up about an hour ago and hope to shoot it this afternoon. I generally try to get a pic every 7,14,21 and 30 days - or - 10, 20 and 30. Depends on my health more than anything. Somedays I wake up with grand plans, only to have the kibosh (or kybosh, for you Brits), put on them by my health. Check back tonight for a pic. Stay well, Adam. - Frank
wow.. thanks Frank.. that is a great picture showing the growth it has made.. you can make out the beginning of its dorsil fin.. as well as it's pectiral fins have grown alot too..
madattiver wrote:wow.. thanks Frank.. that is a great picture showing the growth it has made.. you can make out the beginning of its dorsil fin.. as well as it's pectiral fins have grown alot too..