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Corydoras Pygmaeus Breeding Journal

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 21:35
by WaterPond
Bought them last night. They are going to be the new occupants of my 5 gallon. THey seem to be loving it and have become alot more active since i put them into the tank. They don't take long to win over your heart. I bought three... i plan on going back for three more. They are THAT great.

They guy at the LFS told me that he gave me two females and a male. And this guy knows his, so i trust that he is right. From my title you can prbably see that i plan on breeding these little guys. I have been reading up about it and it sound fairly simple.

Even though these guys are small, they sure have alot of personality. More than other cories i would say. THey still do the zipping up to the top for a gulp of air, and following along the glass, but other than that they are totally different from other cories. From what i have seen they rarely stop swimming... and dont just scoot along the bottom, but use up pretty much all areas of the tank.

The LFS guy assures me that they are full grown and has had them breed before in his tank at the LFS. So this should be good.

I plan to try to start breeding one i get a few more. After the newer ones adjust i will try to induce spawning by adding cooler water after a water change.

The temp is at 74 right now.

Ok, so enough of this boring stuff. I'll show ya some pics of these little fellas. They are so tiny. I just love them!

Here are some pics of the setup, and the cories.






Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 07:08
by M@RS
Wow, those are beautiful fish!


If you take good care of them they are bound to spawn for you. Nutrifin Max Shrimp pellets makes my cories spawn more often.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 21:03
by bronzefry
That's quite a 5 gallon tank! How many different species of plants? It looks fabulous.