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fish with tail hanging off
Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 02:41
by mistermason16
my panda corydora now has its tail hanging almost all the way torn off.i wanted to know whether its tail can grow back or not and if it can how can i help it?
please answer as soon as possible so i can help it before it dies.
Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 02:44
by Silurus
Torn fins will easily regrow if the water quality in your tank is maintained.
Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 03:24
by hellocatfish
Ouch! I'm sorry to hear about your poor cory. I can't really advise you, being new to keeping cories. But I know that the people who could advise you would need to have more information.
For example, they usually ask how long your tank has been set up, and what the readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, and temperature are.
Also, how sudden did this happen? Did you just peer in one day and see that his fin was torn when he'd been fine the last time you checked him? Or is this something that happened graduall, beginning with a small tear and then expanding? Also, can you describe if the edges of the rip are nice and clean, or is there discoloration, fraying, fuzzy-appearance?
That sort of thing will help the more knowledgeable forum members determine whether your fish got an injury, an infection, or fin rot from poor water conditions. Then they can better advise you how/if to treat your cory.
I'm sorry I can't do more to help, myself. I wish I could. Maybe someday. Best of luck to you and your fish. Please let us know how it all turns out.
Posted: 07 Feb 2007, 06:29
by Davy Jones
Melafix or something similar might help with the infection side of it. Corys can get infections with cuts really easily so its best to keep the water as clean as possible. Just give him time, and maybe put him in his own tank to keep an eye on him if its possible.