Finished! 290litre Amazon

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Finished! 290litre Amazon

Post by Reginator »

This is my tank, residents are:
4 Juvenile Discus
2 Hoplos
1 Gibbiceps (going to a 2,000litre when he gets too big)
1 Juvenile Panaque Nigrolineatus (as above)
2 Ancistrus sp.3 (one albino)
2 Panaque Maccus
1 apistogramma borelli
14 Assorted small tetras
4 cory sterbai
4 cory trilineatus
4 other corys (assorted leftovers from LFS)
4 Hatchets
1 random coldwater loach.
The loach remains a total mystery, I didn't buy him, I didn't put him in the tank, but there he was about a week after cycling finished. He was tiny, only about 3cm long and very much like a worm apart from the tail. He grew at a phenomenal rate and now (1 year later) he's about 18cm. Although he is a coldwater species he seems perfectly happy in there and is always active. Any ideas on how he could have got there?

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Post by kuhni »

Hey, Could I see a photo of the loach, he sounds interesting.

Also I've been trying to guess the 4 assorted cories and I guess that there is 1 Zygatus and 1 Arcuatus but that's all I can tell.
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Post by Shane »

The loach remains a total mystery, I didn't buy him, I didn't put him in the tank, but there he was about a week after cycling finished. He was tiny, only about 3cm long and very much like a worm apart from the tail. He grew at a phenomenal rate and now (1 year later) he's about 18cm. Although he is a coldwater species he seems perfectly happy in there and is always active. Any ideas on how he could have got there?
Most likely he was hiding on the roots or stalk of a plant you bought. I had the same thing happen once with a small who rode in to my tank wedged between the leaves and stalk of an Amazon sword plant.
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Post by Marc van Arc »

Hi Reginator,
This looks so much better when compared to the earlier pictures. Nice job.
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Post by Reginator »

Thanks Marc :D Amazing what a difference a background makes!
The assorted corys are arcuatus, rabauti and two unidentified possibly elegans.
The loach looks like a "misgurnus fossilis", I'll try to get a decent pic today (been on my arse with a 40º fever the last few days)
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Post by nissop »

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Post by Kostas »

Beautifull tank :wink:
I think that with a few more plants and 1-2 large Echinodorus,it will look even better... :wink:
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