4 Juvenile Discus
2 Hoplos
1 Gibbiceps (going to a 2,000litre when he gets too big)
1 Juvenile Panaque Nigrolineatus (as above)
2 Ancistrus sp.3 (one albino)
2 Panaque Maccus
1 apistogramma borelli
14 Assorted small tetras
4 cory sterbai
4 cory trilineatus
4 other corys (assorted leftovers from LFS)
4 Hatchets
1 random coldwater loach.
The loach remains a total mystery, I didn't buy him, I didn't put him in the tank, but there he was about a week after cycling finished. He was tiny, only about 3cm long and very much like a worm apart from the tail. He grew at a phenomenal rate and now (1 year later) he's about 18cm. Although he is a coldwater species he seems perfectly happy in there and is always active. Any ideas on how he could have got there?