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L134 or L260

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 14:52
by devy2112
hi everyone
although i visit this site daily this is my first post and would like some experienced opinions.which of the two fish would make a better breeding project L134 or L260 personally i really like the L134 but would like a few other opimions on this.any input will be appreciated.
thanks dev

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 15:21
by MatsP
Define "better"?

In my opinion, they are both on the "middle" range of difficulty (bearing in mind that I've only ever read about breeding them, rather than actually made it happen in any of my tanks - in fact, I haven't even kept either of the species).

I'd say "go with the one you like" - but of course, you'd need to modulate that with what you can get in your local shop too - if you can't possibly get L134, then L260 makes a good chocie... ;-)

[Both are high on my wish-list for breeding groups - just need to get more of stuff in the fish-room installed...]


L134 or L260

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 15:48
by devy2112
thanks for that mats
better should have been easier i suppose think i'm gonna go for L134 as i like them a lot better than L260 and if i can't breed them at least i have the fish i really like.just been looking at your pics nice fish especially the satanoperca i'm currently trying to get some geophagus red head tapajos.
cheers dev

Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 06:57
by Baere
I was currently debating between L134 and L260 also and I talked with a person who use to breed them. I was told the L134 was slightly easier to breed and a more active fish. I'm still going with the L260 more because of my plants the L260 is very unlikely to touch them being more carnivorus and also my lfs has them on hand.

Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 12:09
by MatsP
Judging from my , I'd say that L134 and plants shouldn't cause a problem, assuming you do occasionally feed some veggies to your fish...

That's not to say that L260 is a good choice - they are VERY nice fish too...

And there's a lot to be said about "What's available at the shop" vs. "what may be available at some other time"... Particularly if you know the LFS and they have had the fish in for a few weeks.


Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 12:33
by apistomaster
I have lots of both L134 and L260 and they are equally carnivorous and present no problems to plants. I prefer my L134 as they are more out going and I personally find them to be among the most attractive of the small plecos. I have 12 L260's and 7 L134 and as soon as it warms up I'm getting 7 more L134. They are the pleco I want to breed the most.
I have 12 L260, 7 L134, 6 L201, 8 L204, 7 L333, 7 L66, 5 L318,4 Peckoltia vitatta, 6 L10a, 24 Common BN( not counting their inumerable fry) in several forms, and 6 Sturisoma nigirostrum.
Also 6 Parotocinclus jumbo, 3 P. spilosoma.
About 400 Cory sterbai, 8 C. duplicareous, 10 Cory C121,
12 C. hastatus, 10 C. erhardti, 12 C. panda, 8 C. paleatus,6 albino aeneus and 7 Common Otos. I am getting 10 Corydoras weitzmanni when I get the new L134. I have gone into catfish in a big way after years of specializing in discus which I won't ever give up. Catfish are just so easy to sell and everyone buys at least a few Corys and a Pleco. I have set breeding 10 Heckels as my nearly impossible project, already done all the other wild types.