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HELP! Pangasius hypophthalmuses on hunger strike!

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 16:52
by khblock
I have two large Pangasiuses (about 10 years old) and have recently moved them and their tank to a new location. Of course with their nervous ways, the move was a bit tramatic.

They have not eaten in about two weeks now. They usually ingest about 5 or 6 algae wafers a day. I've tried algae wafers soaked in garlic extract and also some flake food and shrimp pellets to see if that would do the trick. So far no luck. They don't seem to be in distress any longer, but I don't know how long they can go without eating.

Any hints or suggestions would be much appreciated.

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 17:28
by Shane
They should go 3-4 weeks without feeding provided they were in good health to start with. You might try some live or frozen foods to stimulate their appetites.


Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 17:46
by khblock
Thanks, Shane! With your imput, I know that my distress is premature at this time. I'll try some frozen food as you suggest.