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I guess it's about time I said Hi to everyone!

Posted: 16 May 2003, 18:18
by adela
Hello! Just wanted to introduce myself - I'm a graduate student in Biochemistry at McGill in Montreal, Canada (the chic-est place around, if you ask me) BUT I'm originally from Newfoundland, so I've got eastern Canada pretty much represented. :)

Et je parle francais assez bien, s'il y a quel qu'un d'autre qui veut me parle (sans accents, desole - je vais jamais comprendre comment ils marche sur mon ordi, 'stie).

I've kept simple tropical fish (and a slew of other pets: anoles; newts; rabbits; gerbils; mice; cats and dogs) for years, and am just now really delving into the hobby of "more interesting" fish ... so just trying to learn ...

And just invested in my first 100 gallon ... :) My boyfriend was particularly excited when the tank arrived. He does most of the cooking, and was quick to suggest we now dissassemble the 10 gallon tank that has been residing on our kitchen counter. I of course explained the concept of a "quarantine" tank, and he was visibly disappointed. :)
