Accuracy In Information--A Worthy Cause
Posted: 13 Jan 2007, 19:59
A three-part update. Part one deals with PETsMART; part two with help we need; and part three with activities being initiated over the next few weeks.
1. The review process at PETsMART has become very detailed. PETsMART and will continue to exchange information and thoughts about the accuracy of the content through the next several weeks.
To date we can say the fish sizes have shown an incredible change. The information we have seen accurately describes the species being sold. Great job PETsMArt! It is something that PETsMART should be recognized for.
A near universal clarification of tank sizes required has occurred. Sizes have been increased to more accurately represent long term needs. In about 1/2 of the instances there is little if any room for disagreement. In the other instances the sizes are typically larger than what exists on current signage--but could still be subjected to a more careful scrutiny by PETsMART. It is our hope that many of the suggested tank sizes are increased.
Use of ?Salt? has yet to be suggested as a requirement for any species reviewed (that is a change).
The people involved with that have seen the data, reviewed it, and sent back suggestions for improvement are generally encouraged by the results to date. Parts of the process could drag into March.
We have to honor corporate confidentiality of this information. Final decisions have not yet been made. As we are able to share detailed information we will.
2. Which brings us to stuff to do--lol. Next up are PetCo, Petland and Walmart. We have some data for each of these retailers. Nothing as comprehensive as what were able to assemble for PETsMART. We need help getting POP Signage data for these companies. Hopefully people here and other sites will once again pitch into the effort and gather data. Our format can be seen at Copies of the spreadsheet that drove that page can be downloaded from a link at the bottom of the chart--feel free to use our spreadsheet. Any keystroking and re-entry we can avoid is appreciated. This time you can win a yet to be designed T-Shirt?lol.
Hopefully hobbyists help out again. We need to have accurate and comprehensive information to utilize during letter writing and e.mail efforts. We also need to have that information during direct conversation with the companies. Help with this will assist both you other hobbyists in getting a good baseline of information to utilize in the practice of Responsible Husbandry.
3. PetCo. We do have enough data to begin our efforts there. We need more to be as accurate as possible. Within the next 10-14 days we will once again post suggestions that specific types of correspondence be prepared and snail mailed or e-mailed. Hopefully we can once again generate e.mails and letters evidencing the concern shared by the hobbyist market.
Hope you all have a Happy and Successful New Year.
You will see revisions to our site to reflect the progress being made in our attempt to work with retailers. It will take us a week to get those changes made?they will include sample letters you could use in our shared effort.
and, the effort for Accuracy In Information is spreading to German language boards. We will be assisting an individual in Europe that shares our concern for information provided to hobbyists by retailers.
plus, for those of you across the big pond; more specidficlly in England, you will slowly begin to see our goofy logo on a poster (developed by Martin Thoene at LOL) discussing the appropriate care of Clown Loaches.
1. The review process at PETsMART has become very detailed. PETsMART and will continue to exchange information and thoughts about the accuracy of the content through the next several weeks.
To date we can say the fish sizes have shown an incredible change. The information we have seen accurately describes the species being sold. Great job PETsMArt! It is something that PETsMART should be recognized for.
A near universal clarification of tank sizes required has occurred. Sizes have been increased to more accurately represent long term needs. In about 1/2 of the instances there is little if any room for disagreement. In the other instances the sizes are typically larger than what exists on current signage--but could still be subjected to a more careful scrutiny by PETsMART. It is our hope that many of the suggested tank sizes are increased.
Use of ?Salt? has yet to be suggested as a requirement for any species reviewed (that is a change).
The people involved with that have seen the data, reviewed it, and sent back suggestions for improvement are generally encouraged by the results to date. Parts of the process could drag into March.
We have to honor corporate confidentiality of this information. Final decisions have not yet been made. As we are able to share detailed information we will.
2. Which brings us to stuff to do--lol. Next up are PetCo, Petland and Walmart. We have some data for each of these retailers. Nothing as comprehensive as what were able to assemble for PETsMART. We need help getting POP Signage data for these companies. Hopefully people here and other sites will once again pitch into the effort and gather data. Our format can be seen at Copies of the spreadsheet that drove that page can be downloaded from a link at the bottom of the chart--feel free to use our spreadsheet. Any keystroking and re-entry we can avoid is appreciated. This time you can win a yet to be designed T-Shirt?lol.
Hopefully hobbyists help out again. We need to have accurate and comprehensive information to utilize during letter writing and e.mail efforts. We also need to have that information during direct conversation with the companies. Help with this will assist both you other hobbyists in getting a good baseline of information to utilize in the practice of Responsible Husbandry.
3. PetCo. We do have enough data to begin our efforts there. We need more to be as accurate as possible. Within the next 10-14 days we will once again post suggestions that specific types of correspondence be prepared and snail mailed or e-mailed. Hopefully we can once again generate e.mails and letters evidencing the concern shared by the hobbyist market.
Hope you all have a Happy and Successful New Year.
You will see revisions to our site to reflect the progress being made in our attempt to work with retailers. It will take us a week to get those changes made?they will include sample letters you could use in our shared effort.
and, the effort for Accuracy In Information is spreading to German language boards. We will be assisting an individual in Europe that shares our concern for information provided to hobbyists by retailers.
plus, for those of you across the big pond; more specidficlly in England, you will slowly begin to see our goofy logo on a poster (developed by Martin Thoene at LOL) discussing the appropriate care of Clown Loaches.