What to do with a 90 gallon tank?
Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 02:46
So now that I have my own place, I decided to fill it with fish tanks. This is, I'm sure, how most fishkeepers start out (well, either that or with a professional breeding shed, but that won't work well in Arizona during the summer).
Recently I've come into a great possession of a new 90 gallon tank. Though a marine tank would be awesome, I hesitate to spend that much money on a few fish, so freshwater it will be. I've never had this much space to work with before, so I have a few options, but I cannot decide what to do!
1. I know this is cliche, but I've always found some goldfish (not the eyes-upward or bubble-cheek) very beautiful and worthy of enough space to really fill out and grow. In a 90, I could easily have a half dozen and let them live for decades, and visitors could see how big goldies can really get!
2. A transplant, which would probably upset my breeding bristlenose, but they have moved before with me. I currently have a 55 gallon tank setup with a dozen aeneus cories, 3 bristlenose plecos, 2 rubbernose plecos, 4 clown plecos, and a half dozen otos. In a 90, I could add more to the numbers, to be sure, and then with my then free 55 gallon, could put my Malawi cichlids (yellow labs and demasoni) into their full tank for adulthood (and maybe spawning!). With added powerheads, and enough algae growth, perhaps I could add some farlowellas as well...I do like the smaller SA cats!
3. ...I honestly don't have a real third option, but something with clown loaches might be nice.
The thing is that I don't have AC in my house, so the fish would have to be very sturdy to last 80* temperatures. A friend of mine keeps goldfish during the winter (he also has no AC) but during the spring and summer, they all die (he has recently given up on goldfish and sticks with tiger barbs). I don't really want to setup a tank for half a year, only to have the fish die during the rest of the year. And since I've never had a fish tank of this size before, I don't want to "waste" the space, such as tossing in two oscars or letting some brichari breed like, well, brichardi.
*This above, plus working a lot more, is why I have not been around the site in so long!
Recently I've come into a great possession of a new 90 gallon tank. Though a marine tank would be awesome, I hesitate to spend that much money on a few fish, so freshwater it will be. I've never had this much space to work with before, so I have a few options, but I cannot decide what to do!
1. I know this is cliche, but I've always found some goldfish (not the eyes-upward or bubble-cheek) very beautiful and worthy of enough space to really fill out and grow. In a 90, I could easily have a half dozen and let them live for decades, and visitors could see how big goldies can really get!
2. A transplant, which would probably upset my breeding bristlenose, but they have moved before with me. I currently have a 55 gallon tank setup with a dozen aeneus cories, 3 bristlenose plecos, 2 rubbernose plecos, 4 clown plecos, and a half dozen otos. In a 90, I could add more to the numbers, to be sure, and then with my then free 55 gallon, could put my Malawi cichlids (yellow labs and demasoni) into their full tank for adulthood (and maybe spawning!). With added powerheads, and enough algae growth, perhaps I could add some farlowellas as well...I do like the smaller SA cats!
3. ...I honestly don't have a real third option, but something with clown loaches might be nice.
The thing is that I don't have AC in my house, so the fish would have to be very sturdy to last 80* temperatures. A friend of mine keeps goldfish during the winter (he also has no AC) but during the spring and summer, they all die (he has recently given up on goldfish and sticks with tiger barbs). I don't really want to setup a tank for half a year, only to have the fish die during the rest of the year. And since I've never had a fish tank of this size before, I don't want to "waste" the space, such as tossing in two oscars or letting some brichari breed like, well, brichardi.
*This above, plus working a lot more, is why I have not been around the site in so long!