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10 Gallon Question

Posted: 01 Jan 2007, 01:56
by TroutAngler86
I would like to know if I could keep 3 albino(bronze) Cory Cats and 3 Peppered Cory Cats in a 10 gallon or if that's to many Cory Cats? The water tests fine and what I have in there now is

6 GloFish
3 Albino Cory Cats
Albino Dwarf Frog(Going to be moved soon)

Posted: 01 Jan 2007, 06:03
by natefrog
I would stick with what you already have in there.

Posted: 01 Jan 2007, 16:01
by TroutAngler86
Okay, if I didn't have the GloFish though could I do it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2007, 18:13
by apistomaster
I breed many species of Corydoras cats. I keep a group of 6 to 8 breeders in a ten gallon tank. All these tanks have a juvenile Bushynose and 6 tetras or pencil fish with them and a couple of potted plants. Each tank has a small hydrosponge filter. I change 50% of their water each week.This is how I store and maintain my breeders. They are fed a balanced diet of pellets, frozen bloodworms and live blackworms. Usually these have been segregated by sex. I increase the water changes to 3 times a week and feed almost nothing but blackworms just prior to a planned spawning but that is not how they are just "stored".
I have over 1000 Corydoras on hand at various stages of growth. I have for instance 150 5/8 inch Corydoras sterbai in one 20 Long with a large hydrosponge driven by a MaxJet 600 powerhead. I change 75% of the water in this crowded tank every other day. It is now time when I divide the group in half and put 75 in each 20Long with the same filter system and water change schedule. They will be sold at 1 inch size about a month later.
So if you are willing to change half your water each week, which is always a good idea, you will be able to keep 6 Corydoras and your other fish in your ten gallon tank indefinitely. I would suggest that you get 3 more albino aeneus instead of 3 C. plaeatus for the simple reason that Corydoras are very social and the more of their own kind the merrier. If you do this and make those 50% water changes each week one morning you will wake up to see that your Corydoras are spawning but that is another subject. Enjoy your Corys.

Posted: 02 Jan 2007, 04:25
by TroutAngler86
It's my understanding that the most cory cats school together. SO you can mix different kinds. I moved the GloFish BTW

Posted: 02 Jan 2007, 06:17
by apistomaster
Corys like Corys Troutangler. Don't disagree with you. I think as a fish breeder more than as a collector. I collect breeding colonies. That is why I don't keep a few of this and a few of that. This true of all the species I breed whether it's discus, Corydoras or Plecos.
BTW, When not breeding fish my alter ego and occupation is as professional trout flyfishing bum. That's why I live where I do.

Posted: 02 Jan 2007, 15:51
by TroutAngler86
Okay then, yeah with this tank I just wanted all cory cats but a few different kinds. I thought it best I kept at least 3 of each though

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 03:40
by Beersnob

There are so many different cories out there...I know what you are doing, because I did it too. We had 7 different kinds of cories in our tank. The problem was that they were not "similar" enough to shoal together.

My reccomendation (and that's all it's your Fishroom!) is that you obtain 6 of one species of cory and watch their reactions. They usually shoal in this number. I've seen one or two be "antisocial."

Hope this helps!
