synodontis compatibility

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synos rule
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synodontis compatibility

Post by synos rule »

Are the decorus and ocelifer compatible? :lol:
Marc van Arc
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Post by Marc van Arc »

Depends on how many you're going to get, how much room they will have etc. etc.
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Post by synoguy »

As Marc says it definatly depends on numbers and room, but having said that, I have a fully grown decorus and a sub adult ocelifer together and they have been fine, however they are in a 6 foot by 2 foot tank so room is less of an issue. However if you try it, its essential that there is more than one hiding place for each fish, i have decorus' in two tanks and both fish like to move where they like to call 'home' around a bit sometimes.
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Post by toddnbecka »

S. decorus are a schooling species, and grow fairly large for an aquarium fish; something to consider if you want to keep them happy...
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