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Synodontis Velifer?

Posted: 26 Dec 2006, 23:45
by JRisley2
I bought this guy labeled 'Synodontis Velifer'. There are no pictures in the cat-e-log, but he/she does look like the illustratons. Are there no pictures because they are rare? Is that what he/she is?



I'll try to get better pictures, but he isn't that cooperative. :D

Posted: 27 Dec 2006, 00:35
by Silurus

Posted: 28 Dec 2006, 04:23
by Beersnob
:lol: I agree with Silurius

Posted: 30 Dec 2006, 05:45
by JRisley2
Thanks! It's kinda hard to tell for us beginers sometimes, especially from illustrations.

BTW, why aren't there pics of the Velifer when there are of every other catfish i've looked at here?