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Barbatus cory eggs won't hatch

Posted: 20 Dec 2006, 20:32
by dundermez
I have a male and a female barbatus cory and they laid eggs.
The eggs did not hatch after two weeks. The tank conditions were, a pH of 6.5 to 7 depending on the time of day, a low GH, and a tempeture that started at 70 but gradually moved it up over the two week period to 80 degrees. The eggs neither hatched nor grew any fungus.
What would cause this? :? :?:

I have successfully breed panda, paleatus, aneus, albino aneus, sterbai, and punctatus corys in the past without any problems. 8)

Posted: 21 Dec 2006, 10:15
by MatsP
It sounds to my untrained view that they were infertile.

Breeding acocunt.

The above breeding account doesn't say anything about the time the eggs hatched, so I presume it's similar to other Cory types - as if it was "very much longer than normal" it would be something worth writing about. But I'm only guessing...


Posted: 21 Dec 2006, 20:39
by pommis
if the corys are from Czech rebublic and hormone breed it is wery common that the eggs doent is sad but true.

Posted: 22 Dec 2006, 19:10
by bronzefry
The temperature sounds sort of high for S.barbatus. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I have (6) sub-adults. What age did you notice yours starting to breed? Although the S.barbatus I have are not yet grown, I'm noticing them cleaning the glass and acting as if they're going to breed after water changes. But, they're much too young!

Posted: 22 Dec 2006, 22:32
by corybreed
It sounds like the eggs were not fertile. Were the eggs clear and then turned wither in color? Although 80 degrees is warm for barbatus I do not think that is the cause. I spawned barbatus over the summmer in my fish room with the temperature inthe high 70's.


Posted: 23 Dec 2006, 21:10
by dundermez
The barbatus are about 2.5 inches and they were with a lot of fancy plecos and some small south american cichlids. They laid the eggs in the late evening. I had done a large water change the previous day. The next morning almost all of the eggs were the translucent brown color of fertile eggs.

Posted: 24 Dec 2006, 15:55
by bronzefry
Is 18 months of age about average for sexual maturity?

Posted: 24 Dec 2006, 17:10
by dundermez
I bought the ones I have now about six months ago and I am not sure how old they were when I got them. When I bred my first batch of corys they were the albino aneus corys the offspring of that batch that I kept grew to about an inch and a half and laid eggs the following year which were fertile but they were also mixed with a few older corys to prevent inbreeding. I am not sure how much different the barbatus are. What do you feed your barbatus? I feed mine every day but sunday and they get feed a wide variety of prepared fish foods such as flakes and pellets once daily, and I feed a wide assortment of frozen foods two or three times a week. :)

Gomez 8)

Posted: 24 Dec 2006, 17:24
by dundermez
I put the barbatus corys in their own ten gallon tank and friday the 22nd they laid eggs. I left the parents in the tank and they laid another group of eggs saturday, and today, sunday, I removed the parents. I had noticed saturday that a few of the eggs turned white, and then when I moved the parents sunday the eggs that had turned white have been eaten by the parents. I have never seen this happen with the other corys before. I was wondering if the parents will clean the eggs or remove the "bad" ones for the safety of the good ones naturally.:?:

Gomez 8)