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Synodontis Granulosus breeding

Posted: 16 Dec 2006, 02:41
by stallion81
Hello. I've read the previous posts that it has been done. Any ideas on how? I'm not the guy lookig to make big money on it.I've owned Multis for 4+ years(breeding for 1.5+years), and have a breeding sized group, that I've only got a few # of fry due to my real job. Sometimes, I prolly miss alot of cats(and cichlids). Well I've owned 1 Granny for 2+ years, and now I have a chance to get more at a reasonable price. I've had and still own many types of Synos, but I'm considering selling alot of the oddballs(1 only of each), and trying these as a breeding project. I have to admit, my Ganny is my favorite as he hand feeds. But selling others would leave me with only Multis,Colas,Grannys,1 Shoutendeni(kinda want to see it full grown) and 1 Brichardi(will not sell).I've got only 700g's running, and the biggest are 3-125g's(Fronts have 1 of them,Multis/hosts have another).Any idea on the worthiness of my thoughts? Should another Syno fan give it a try? Any ideas on how to approach it? Just had to ask the cat experts. Thanks for any help.

Posted: 20 Dec 2006, 20:28
by Richard B
Hi there

The chap who bred them was part of a commercial breeding wholesaler so obviously played his cards fairly close to his chest. I do know that he has six individuals which are kept separate & brought into condition in isolation from each other - only to be put together for spawning. If i remember correctly only one of his females has bred (with different males?) but the heatwave in summer here threw plans off kilter a bit. He used a varying diet of his own design & each spawning didn't produce a huge number of eggs. If you haven't already read SidGuppys account in these forums they are a great read & should clue you in a bit more. I am hoping an official announcement from the breeder may appear in commercial literature before too long with as much info as they feel they can circulate - they are some really nice people & worth talking to if you ever get the chance - best of luck & kep us all posted

Richard B