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Sick Plec - Mystry Illness

Posted: 09 Dec 2006, 18:51
by jthayes
About a week ago I noticed my "common plec" was not eating, looked very bloated, was listless, had not been, to put it delicately, going potty. In fact, his vent looks swollen and red. He's just about two years old, is about ten inches long, has always had excellent health and a good appetite. There have been no new fish added to his tank and no new food. I took him to a vet who checked his vent for a blockage, checked down his throat, took 2 regular and 1 barium x-rays, which showed no sign of tumor or blockage. She gave him shots of antibiotics and vitamins, and treated him for worms, just to be safe. She sent me home with four more daily injections for him. I am also "force feeding" him to try ans jump start his appetite. I have him isolated in ideal conditions. She could not determine exactly what was wrong. He does not seem to be improving and I am really getting concerned. Anyone else had this problem?

Posted: 11 Dec 2006, 00:52
by grandhorn
That's unbelieveable. You took him to a vet? It could be an intestinal issue that didn't show for whatever reason. That seems most likely so I think she was on the right track. Seems like a very difficult case. Have you tried to vary the diet a bit? What are you feeding, exactly?

Posted: 11 Dec 2006, 16:18
by jthayes
Well, prior to him getting sick, his diet consisted of: tropical tablets and algea wafers; slow sinking granules; freeze dried tubifex worms; some flake (disk form); frozen brine shrimp and zucchini (the only veg my plecs will eat). I have 3 others, one of whom is the same age as this one.They've always done extremely well on this diet. I've been "force" feeding him a vegitarian mixture from the vet combined with brine shrimp and tubifex worms. It has been one week today since I took him in. The swollen belly has gone down somewhat, but he is still not eating on his own as far as I know. He also has not pooped (for lack of a better word) and his vent still looks red and distended. His strength has gotten better. He really puts up a fight (plecs are so strong) during handling. I've read that plecs have a high metobolic rate and must frequently eat. I take it as a good sign that he is still alive though I'm not taking it for granted.

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 03:37
by grandhorn
Hmmmm...that bothers me that he's not "eliminating" properly. Can anyone weigh in on something that can be fed which will have a stimulative effect on the intestinal tract? I heard somewhere that garlic may have this effect and is an appetite stimulant as well. This would be good information to have. My two 20" chaps are continuously pooing so something is definately amiss here.

I'm thinking I would cut the brine shrimp intake down also.

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 14:50
by MatsP
Same answer as the "bloat" question a few posts down from this [at this particular time - future may be different depending on what happens with replies to the threads].

The "Common pleco", meaning is definitely a herbivore - they should be fed MAINLY on vegetables and fruit with a small portion of more meaty food, such as algae wafers or other prepared food where "fishmeal" is a major ingredient (obviously also "shrimp pellets" etc).



Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 20:51
by jthayes
Well, my plec is still alive and as of yesterday, finally had a bowel movement. But it doesn't look like any I've ever seen. It's very thick and short, translucent, with an almost cotton-like appearance. No new foods - I've just been mainly keeping to algae wafers, spirulina wafers and flake, and occasional brine shrimp in very small amounts. Anyone ever seen anything like this?