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Posted: 05 Dec 2006, 20:15
by catfish david

Posted: 05 Dec 2006, 22:12
by Marc van Arc
Yes, occasionally when my tanks are too crowded and/or I need room for some new species.

Posted: 06 Dec 2006, 01:08
by racoll
Hi catfish david.

I go fishing for catfish sometimes, but unfortunately you'll find most of the members here don't, as they are more interested in keeping them in tanks.

If you want fishing tips you've come to the wrong place, but if you want information on looking after, breeding and identifying catfish, you have come to the right place.


Posted: 06 Dec 2006, 02:53
by andregurov
Yes, I go fishing sometimes round here. What cats specifically are you looking for? There really aren't too many species in south LA.

Where do you go fishing? Welcome to Planet Catfish, and it is good to see another southern soul.


Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 01:02
by KoiScale451
Catching catfish is fun! :D I normally go out with boots and a large net in ponds that are murky.I live on the edge of Pennsylvannia and there are a lot of brown bullheads here! I caught 5 babies under 3in. and 3 big ones over 9in.
The babies can be kept together but my older ones fight.

Posted: 20 Dec 2006, 05:53
by Sandtiger
I fish for catfish, and many of them end up in an aquarium. I mostly fish for bullheads (brown specifically) but we also have channel catfish around here. When not fishing I will often go sampling/collecting in the streams and lake shallows and I often catch juvi. bullheads or madtoms.