Where to find jaguar catfish

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Where to find jaguar catfish

Post by TxFishDr »

Hey guys, where can I find a jaguar catfish and about how much are they?

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Post by MatsP »

To be able to help you better, it would probably be a good idea to fill in the "Location" in your profile, as there are probably someone in Texas (I'm guessing that's where you're from) that may be able to at least give you the name of a couple of shops that are able to order in such a fish.

I have no idea where you'd get one from, but I presume they aren't completely impossible to get hold of.

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Post by grokefish »

They are completely missing from the LFS's in the UK.
Where are the jaguar cats?
Why do you never see them anymore?
Someone tell me please!!!!
One more bucket of water and the farce is complete.
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Post by CFC »

Wildwoods has some in apperently, the first shippment into the UK in 2 years they recon.
if you believe in reincarnation pray you dont come back as a neon
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