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my new catfish

Posted: 27 Nov 2006, 21:37
by pepp76

Posted: 27 Nov 2006, 21:49
by Silurus
Please read the sticky in this forum for info on how to include a picture in your post.

mysterious pepermint

Posted: 27 Nov 2006, 22:34
by pepp76
i recently purchased what i was told was a pepermint bristelnose catfish it is approx 3" to 4" long has a dark body and head with small white spots over body and fins but not head with a thick wedged shaped head and a stocky build. it is a sucker mouth which is continually open which is causing me great concern. please help! i am currently trying to grt pics on.

Posted: 27 Nov 2006, 22:46
by Dave Rinaldo
If your fishes' mouth looks like THIS, that is normal.

mouth matters

Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 00:33
by pepp76
thanks for reply but no,i have another tank which contains a rusty plec in it which also has a sucker mouth,the bn's mouth looks continually extended.she is in a 4ft tank with bogwood,12 various plants,a fine gravel substrate and tree roots,tankmates are 4 small blue rams and 10 harlequins,there is no bullying,my water is soft,ph6.8.temp26d and contains 0 toxins,i run an external tetratec 1200 filter as well as an internal juwel filter and 2 small air stones.i am at a loss!

Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 00:41
by Silurus
Look, you have to stop creating a new thread for each reply. That's what the "post reply" button is for. If you persist in creating a new thread each time you reply to an existing one (and creating more work for moderators), I will be deleting such threads (and not merging them as I am doing now).

ancistrus hoplogenys??

Posted: 09 Dec 2006, 22:12
by pepp76
Hi all...

I was wondering if anyone could have a quick peek in my gallery and maybe ID my catfish for me,I just want to make sure im meeting it's need's e.g water temp,diet.

thank's pepp76.

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 12:01
by MatsP
It's pretty difficult to see on those pictures, as the pictures are rather small. I can't even say for sure that it's a bristlenose from those pictures, I'm afraid.

A decent size is 600 x 400 pixels or so - bigger won't help that much.

If you can, it's would be good to have both a dorsal (top) and lateral (side) view.



Posted: 20 Dec 2006, 06:17
by CatfishHunterSB
Just wanted to see how your bristlenose is doing and if you have been successul in providing a healthy environment for her.

Posted: 20 Dec 2006, 22:49
by pepp76
Hello CatfishHunter SB,

My bn is doing very well thank's,she is feeding readily during the day as well as at night and is becoming very bold and tame,she was in a tank with another one when i purchased her at my LFS,i have since gone back and bought it as well!! I think they'r lovely fish.
I had a concern over ID because she is in an amazon community tank and i wanted to make sure she could cope with the higher temps that her tank mate's required but they both seem fine although the newer one is a bit more shy.



Posted: 04 Feb 2007, 07:08
by CatfishHunterSB
Good to hear! I'm glad you went back and purchased the other and hope she continues to do well.