Always thought this was a female. Part of a trio until the male died. It never took a cave and always had a blotchy stress pattern. I replaced the old male with a very large "bull" that I pictured here a couple of months ago. But ever since the first male died this fish has started hanging out in a cave. The stress pattern has gone and it keeps fighting with the new male. And winning! Now the bull is in stress pattern and this fish commands the caves!
The body shape looks female, but the darn thing is acting like a male. I pulled it today to leave the bull alone with a ripe female. But looking at this pic I took during the move has me wondering. The head looks a little butch, but the body seems all female. Thoughts?
Looks like a female too me. Does the fish have any odontole growth behind the gills or on the pectoral fins? The fish from the photo looks very plump so to speak, I'd suspect she is ready or close to being in breeding condition.
My biggest, fattest, bushiest L333 "Male" became a great egg-laying machine when a younger, slimmer, smooth finned "Female" showed up and took the best cave.
In other words; This fish, more than any Hypancistrus I've had the fortune to witness breeding, can really turn the ID clues upside-down. Females can get very bristly with age and males can be mature enough to fertilize eggs at quite a small size.
Behavior isn't a steadfast clue either. My best Female has her own cave when she isn't in with her mate.
Thanks all! This is a puzzlement. But for right now I'm going to keep it away from the other two. The pair are the two fish on the bottom of the bucket in the picture I posted here: ... hp?t=17188
The fish I'm questioning is the one on the far left showing a side view. Not a good pic to sex by, but the other two are a definate male and female. So although I'd rather have a trio together, at least I have these two set up.
The other was put in with my two 7-8" LDA33's and an 8" Green Terror. Let's see it pick on them! All's calm in that tank so far. I want to see if it slims down now that it has to compete for food. If it still appear to be a female in a month or two I'll put her back. Maybe being the "new fish" will stop the aggession.