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I would like to breed oto cats.

Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 00:01
by huk chun chu
I read the article on oto cats in Shanes World on the oto's & I would like some opinions on what to do. I have 2 tanks availeable.A 10 gal.& a35gal. The 10 gal is a bare tank with box filter & floating hornwort.The 35 gal. is graveled with lots of low caves,sword plants & floating hornwort.The 35 is also loaded with brown algae. The article said to breed them a small tank is best.It also said brown algae is a great food to help keep them healthy.What I would like to know is which setup would be best? I do want to breed them.Also what #'s would be good for the 10 or 35 setup?
Would it be an idea to condition them in the 35 & then move them to the 10 for breeding? Or stick to 1 tank for the duration?

Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 09:36
by worton[pl]

please take a look on this and this two topics.

After you read them you will notice this two topics say about cory breeding together with otos :) and this could be a trigger!

I would personally choose a 35gal it looks like a better home for otos.


Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 09:48
by racoll
I can't see any reason why a 35g tank would not be better than a 10g tank.

Larger tanks are always better than smaller tanks as they offer greater stability of water conditions and a greater margin for error as pollutants will build up slower.

Also you can keep more otos in a bigger tank, so you'll probably have a better chance of success.

How about approx 20 otos along with some sympatric corydoras.

I would go with the 35g, especially as it has lots of delicious brown algae :P

Try a forum search and there should be a fair amount of info on breeding otos.

Good luck with your project. :D

Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 23:20
by huk chun chu
Thanks for the good advice on the oto's.I have never heard of using corys to induce the spawning.I think that is what I will try.In order to do this how many corys should be put in with how many oto's? I will take the advice & use the 35 gal. tank.