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Bristlenose vs Clown Pleco

Posted: 23 Oct 2006, 04:19
by zenkatydid
I have a brand new 4ft tank and am looking at getting 1 or 2 small pleco types, mostly for algae control, but also because they're gorgeous. I am also getting a few yoyo loaches, and probably a couple of schools of smaller fish.

Of the species that don't grow above 5 or 6", I've only seen the bristlenose and the clown pleco. Can someone tell me the differences in care and behaviour between the two? Why would I get one over the other, or are they similar enough that it comes down to preference?

Posted: 23 Oct 2006, 11:59
by MatsP
Australia is pretty limited on what can be imported, so there is less choice there than in other parts of the world... I don't know what's on the list of "allowed to import" list...

Bristlenoses such as are great for algae control.

and it's close relatives (many of which are sold as "Clown pleco") are "wood eaters", and not particularly good at cleaning off algae...

For any other species you may find, try looking in the Cat-eLog - for both of the above species, there's ample information on their care, and many others. If there isn't, please feel free to ask [but that usually means that no-one really knows!]


Posted: 01 Nov 2006, 09:20
by Karl K J
Iv got 6 Clown Pl*cos in a 3 ft tank with one bristle nose(male) and 4 Dwalf cockatoos. The Clowns are great fish, and the recent prices of them have been about $60 to $80AUD in SA. They have alot of drift wood and i have put new wood in with softish sections on the out side and they devour it very quickly. The Male BN dossent get on with them that well, but my tank is only one example so they might go well together in other situations. The clowns are pritty secrative and generally stay in one spot, untill feeding in the evening when they are most active. The BN tend to be a bit more active and do a lot better at cleaning(Iam manager and part owner of small fish farm in SA and BN is the focus at the moment). The Clown pl*co do need wood in there diet, he BN its not so nessary but still a good idea and it helps there digestive systems.

I hope this helps and if any body doesent agree with information previed plz contact me.

K K Jones