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Phyllonemus typus

Posted: 06 May 2003, 22:21
by Rusty
I'm getting tired of only seeing HH's name all over the place, so I think it's time to start a thread on my own :razz:

I think the P. typus and L. cyclurus would be excellent candidates for data submission, or even CotMs (although I understand Jools has CotMs lined up for the next six months because of a certain someone :wink: ), because of their bi-parental mouth brooding habits.

Sid and Dad, are you up for a detailed submission on them?


Posted: 06 May 2003, 22:50
by Silurus
I'm just as tired of seeing my name all over the place as you are :D
I'm even more tired of seeing only my name on the submitted data page. When can we see some additions other than mine?

Posted: 06 May 2003, 23:55
by Dinyar
C'mon Rusty! What d'you need "Sid and Dad" for? Or Heok Hee Shushu, for that matter? We want to see YOUR name in lights! A data submission on P. typus should be a piece of fish cake. Just do it!

Posted: 07 May 2003, 02:30
by Shane
I'll be comimng along with submissions.. just give me until the weekend!

Posted: 07 May 2003, 10:19
by Sid Guppy
If I can find this German breeding account, I'll post it; it describes the bi-parental mouthbreeding and even the exchange of eggs and fry between the parents, to make them able to feed.
What kind of "data" are you looking for?