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New Cat-eLog

Posted: 05 May 2003, 21:13
by Dave Rinaldo
I only get this message when I click on Cat-eLog here in the forum....
The topic or post you requested does not exist

Posted: 06 May 2003, 10:14
by Jools
I've asked Rusty to look into this for you.


Posted: 06 May 2003, 18:43
by PhilipAsh
I too have been experiencing this.
There are several messages that show up in the forum Cat-Elog.
When I click on any of them I get the same message. ... highlight= ... highlight=

For example the above two threads do it. It only seems to be for the Cat-Elog forum.

I normally click 'View posts since last visit', if Cat-Elog is a restricted forum, then we should not (and did not) see these posts.

If I just go to the forum index, I do not see a forum called Cat-Elog.

Hope this helps.


Posted: 06 May 2003, 22:26
by Rusty
It ain't a bug, it's a feature! Yes, Cat-eLog is a restricted forum for now, as I am still getting all the quirks out of it, and we're trying to get the submissions rolling before we open the forum to general public viewing (not posting, mind you, which will still be restricted). After the forum has opened up, users can request permission to post to the forum.


Posted: 24 May 2003, 14:18
by Jools
I think we can open it up for read only access now?


Posted: 24 May 2003, 19:00
by jscoggs27
i've been following this string and still cant work out what on earth you are all talking about! Where is there a refernce to cat e log in the forum?

Posted: 24 May 2003, 23:06
by Silurus
You wouldn't be able to see one (at least not yet). It's only restricted to mods, admins and members of the data team so far.

Posted: 28 May 2003, 19:15
by Jools
It should be visible now?
