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Submitted data

Post by Silurus »

Will the submitted data be cleared from the Submitted Data Table once the info is uploaded to the Cat-eLog? Once more data is in there, it might be difficult to navigate (I'm already beginning to find it troublesome to look for data subsets).
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Post by Jools »

It can be. I just though leaving it in would help people to see the style of things and thus assist in consistency of style. I actually had a delete button on each row but I removed it for fear of misuse. In the meantime I have made the text smaller in the (possibly vain) hope of making it easier to navigate. It also might be able to have a "data pending inclusion" and a "data included" table or page.

I think I would like to see more submissions from others before I make a final call on this.

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Post by Silurus »

I think that we are finally getting a good flow of data submissions. Would you say that it's time to clear the table, or even remove it entirely? Carriage returns in the wrong place are making it difficult to navigate.
Besides, I think that if people want to check on style, they can easily go to the Cat-eLog and search by update.
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Post by Jools »

I have removed the entries that have been added in the cat-elog and will continue to periodically remove entries once they are actioned. Species yet to be added and the page itself will remain to allow contributors to check if a species they intend to write up has already been submitted by someone else.

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