Has it been done?
- Posts: 53
- Joined: 25 Jan 2004, 20:19
- Location 1: Rockford,IL
Has it been done?
Hello all. Long time no speak. I have had a group of 7 adult Syno Multis for a long time(breeding signs in show tanks). I broke up the group and put 3(1M/2F) in with Aulonocara Ngara. I have had several Ngara fry(pull female and let spit). Then seen the cats jump the spawn (4 months in). Pulled the female to an empty tank. No tumbler available to strip. 16 days in(3 days for female Ngara in solo tank) she spit. Low and behold 2 Syno Multis in the tank all natural. Has this been done all natural before(besides the lake) with a Peacock(I know cats are lake T) species? Thanks for a reply.