java moss

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java moss

Post by corywink »

Is Java moss or a spawning mop necessary to get cories spawning mood?
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Post by MatsP »

Not as far as I know. They will spawn without a mop if they feel like spawning... Many corys will deposit eggs on the glass of the tank if there's no other place.

Having said that, you may want to invest in a spawning mop (a ball of yarn from the local "knitting" shop would be sufficient, and the fully-synthetic cheap stuff is fine for this purpose - any that is on sale and not completely stupid colour, brown to green is probably best, but dark blue, grey or black will look OK too I should think - the fish probably don't care if it's even bright pink, but you may!). Look up "how to make a spawning mop" on the web.

Or buy some Java moss or other stringy plants.

To make the corys feel like mating, you will want to feed them with meaty food like bloodworms (frozen or live), daphnia and such. There's been several posts on what to feed corys in just the last couple of weeks.

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Post by Mars »

My Corydoras panda (which only spawn in something like a mop) have actually spawned once in Javamoss. But they liked the algues better, I think... because I found some eggs in them. But I think you have the best results using a actual mop ;)
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Post by kim m »

I don't use mops. My "standard" set-up for Corydoras include a java fern and a clump of java moss. Some species don't use the javamoss, but most of the ones I've spawned use the javamoss almost exclusively, leaving all eggs in the moss. This include panda, duplicareus, multimaculatus and davidsandsi.

Other species I've spawned, like C. undulatus and C. venezuelanus, left all eggs on the glass.
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Post by martijn »

And you have to pay attention that the spawningmop doesn't catch all the dirt and food particles.

So wash it once in a while under the tap, or use some real plants instead!

Bye Martijn
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Post by corywink »

Thanks for the replies.

lol just a day after I made this post the bronze finally decided to spawn. They laid their eggs on the glass. I moved them into their own tank and into a quiet room a week ago. I think they needed their privacy :lol:

Now to get the sterbais spawning :x
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Post by corywink »

Well they spawned again, this time a bigger batch around 300 +

If anyone in the Toronto area wants them, let me know.

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Post by apistomaster »

When my Corydoras sterbai spawn they paste their eggs about 85% on the glass or smooth surfaces and the rest on the Najas guadelupensis plants when the spawn is unplanned. Planned setups are bare tanks save one sponge filter and one airstone so I don't have to deal with the snails making inroads on production and the cleaner environment reduces fungused egg problems.
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