Post pictures of your beloved catfish aquaria here. Also good for pictures of your (cat)fish rooms or equipment discussions. If you are posting pictures of identified catfish, please do so in the appropriate husbandry and reproduction forum above.
so ive got a 29 gallon. in it are (sorry for common names) 9 adult diamond tetra 2 dojo loaches and 2 common B.n. plecos i just bought not too long ago. (i think its a male and a female, but i might have 2 males because the 'female' was kinda beat up and i think its bush might have been dammaged) in wich i have some java fern and java moss. are there any other plants that are as hardy?
i really like talking with you people, very nice.
great site
In my experience, plants that do very well even without fertilizer or lots of light, are various kinds of Anubias and Cryptocoryne. I'm very pleased with the Onion Plants (Crinum sp.) I have, but they may grow a bit too big for a 29g tank.
In my experience, bristlenoses (bushynoses) are fine with just about any type of plants - they don't eat them unless they are REALLY hungry - something you can avoid by giving them plenty of other food...