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Gibbiceps from Petsmart...

Posted: 09 Sep 2006, 06:56
by noki
I am generally horrified by Petsmart's cichlids, but got this Gibbiceps cat on impulse... I just wanted a nice active, attractive, algae eating, fast growing, hardy Pleco, like I always liked when I was a kid... but see no decent ones from LFS in years do they breed these in ponds? could they be hybrids? the tank had a mix with another similar Sailfin Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus, or at least looked like it

How natural is my active little Gibbiceps?



Posted: 09 Sep 2006, 07:02
by MatsP
Yes, they are bred in ponds in Florida and Southeast Asia.

As far as everyone knows, it doesn't seem that there are any hybrids available (this question turns up now and again, particularly when someone finds a fish that is slightly different than the "average" ones). But it always boils down to the result of "There are variations within the species". Noone has so far come up with any direct evidence of any form of hybrids in these species.

The fact that fish are in the same tank at the fish-shop is in no way evidence that they for example come from the same breeder (never mind that they should have been born in the same pond).


Posted: 09 Sep 2006, 07:19
by noki
Thanks... I'm just worried, I don't want to waste my time and tank space on hybrids or poorly bred fish if I have a choice

I know that the mixed tank does not indicate hybrids but I distrust what mass market breeders are sending to these petstore chains... these stores' Cichlids have become a freakshow