I recently acquired a small (c. 1") female Corydoras elegans by accident (delivered to LFS in a shipment of Otocinclus affinis). All has been well for the last few weeks, but then yesterday morning I noticed she was looking a little swollen around the tummy. Thinking it could possibly be constipation I added a dose of King British Revitalising Tonic to the tank at around 11pm last night. This morning she had developed a strange clear bubble around her anal area (don't think it is protruding from the anus - looks to be to one side) and a reddening under the skin on the stomach... she still pops to the surface for air, and still moves around, albeit awkwardly. Her fins are clamped and she isn't foraging, just sitting in the current from one of the filters. Any idea of what this could be and possible courses of treatment??
Water parameters are as follows - Temp 27oC, pH 7.2 NH3/NO2 both 0, NO3 10. I change 20% of water twice a week with vacuuming - one change was done the day before this started. Tank is a 34l (18"x10"x12") planted tank with a sand substrate and bogwood. It is heated, filtered by 2 internal filters and lit by 2 x 14W fluo tubes. There are 4 young 1-1.5" female bettas in there and 6 other Corydoras (2 x 1.5" C. aeneus, 3 x 1" C. panda, 1 x 1.5" C. sterbai). The tank has been running with these inhabitants for around a month, and was cycled prior to that.