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Puffy Faced Ancistrus
Posted: 29 Aug 2006, 18:00
by Rob Tetrazona
I have 2 breeding pairs of albino Ancistrus. One pair is more mature and breeds readily. The other pair is younger and has breed a couple of times, but hasn't in a while.
While moving the younger pair to a new tank all of their own, I noticed the male's face is quite puffy all around the mouth about half way up the top side of his head. His eyes look like they about to pop out as well. He acts pretty normal except no breeding has happened in a couple of months.
Anybody seen this before and/or got any ideas how I can bring this fish back to normal?
Posted: 29 Aug 2006, 21:35
by pleco_breeder
Sounds like he has been beaten to the extent that an infection may have set in. I would keep a close eye on him, and treat with an anti-bacterial if necessary.
Larry Vires
Posted: 30 Aug 2006, 09:20
by MatsP
RobRob, are you keeping both pairs in the same tank? In such cases, there is a great risk that the male is too occupied with guarding against intruder male to breed.
One male, two females is usually the recommended mix. I've read several times that multiple males will just cause conflict and no breeding...
I agree with Larry's views on what's happened to the less dominant male, and if he continues to fight the dominant male, he may well die from injuries...
Posted: 30 Aug 2006, 12:50
by Rob Tetrazona
Both of the pairs have been kept in separate tanks for some time now. The sick male came from a 29US gallon tank that I had about 40 Rosy Barbs growing out in it. The RB's range in size from .5"-1.5". These are the biggest fish I've had housed together with them. I've never seen any fish picking on either of the Ancistrus and they had plenty of places to hide.
I've been treating with Melafix since Friday and will be finishing up the 7 day treatment tomorrow. I've never used this stuff before. I also have some Jungle Fungus Eliminator to try if the Melafix doesn't work out.
Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 16:29
by Rob Tetrazona
My male albino Ancistrus just died. I noticed what looked like a big, dark bruise on one of it's sides and the belly looked the same. Any ideas?