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shaoling C aeneus

Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 13:22
by daspricey
hi (again :razz: )

in my 30" tank line up "was" going to be...
2 german blue rams
5 khuli loaches
3 panda corys(or 4 pygmy)
2 bronze Aeneus
1 albino Aeneus
5 rose danios

but looking at deiffer species of aeneus, i was thinking...
1 bronze Aeneus
1 bronze Aeneus laser green
1 albino Aeneus

instead of...
2 bronze Aeneus
1 albino Aeneus

i kno the albinos and bronze will shoal but will the bronze laser shoal?

many thanks

david :D

Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 14:09
by kim m
Yes, they will probably shoal, but personally, I think 3 Corydoras is on the low side. You should go for a group of at least 6 specimens.

The "albino" and the "bronze" C. aeneus are varieties of the same species. The "Lazer" is with all probability closer to Corydoras melanotaenia than Corydoras aeneus (not scientiffically proved, but a large majority of the Cory-nutters (myself included) agree to this).

Although not the same species as your albino/bronze, they might shoal anyway.

Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 14:34
by daspricey
Yes, they will probably shoal, but personally, I think 3 Corydoras is on the low side. You should go for a group of at least 6 specimens.
there are the pandas?
i doughbt they will shoal though?
and around next year they will be moved to a 3ft tank when i will up the shoals.
my sub trops will be going in a 4ft.
the Corydoras melanotaenialooks very similar to the bronze!
is there a albino Corydoras melanotaenia?

thanks again for your help!


Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 15:16
by kim m
As I understood it, you didn't have the pandas yet.

Still, I think a "single species" shoal is to be preferred.

C. melanotaenia have yellowish-greenish fins and are more elongate than C. aeneus.

I've never seen an albino C. malanotaenia.

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 20:08
by daspricey
kim m wrote:As I understood it, you didn't have the pandas yet.

Still, I think a "single species" shoal is to be preferred.

C. melanotaenia have yellowish-greenish fins and are more elongate than C. aeneus.

I've never seen an albino C. malanotaenia.
no i havn't
the tank atm staqnds with a weather loach and a few danios+ a giant moth catfish.
i'll look into just pandas or aeneus or malanotaenia.

many thanks for your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

david :D

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 23:23
by ewan
[quote="kim m"]Yes, they will probably shoal, but personally, I think 3 Corydoras is on the low side. You should go for a group of at least 6 specimens.

Yes i agree too, much better get 6 the same.

Posted: 22 Aug 2006, 15:25
by daspricey
after much though im going to get 6 C aenus.
and im getting a 10g in A FEW WEEKS. this was origianaly for a trio of dwarf puffers but i think i'm taking to much in my stride so this will become a S. ameican theme tank.
with a trio of pencil fish, 5 cardinals and the rest corys, hopefullly 5 pandas and 6 dwarf corys. :D
but then again the DPS are very tempting. :)
thanks very much for all your help!
