Nice shops in Germany?

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Nice shops in Germany?

Post by HaakonH »

With plans for a business trip to Germany, it would be nice to know which stores we should visit. We are looking for large pet stores (obviously the aquarium-part of the store should be impressive), and after having seen the pics on the Kölle Zoo websites it seems like those stores are what I have in mind. Any other suggestions would be very much appreciated :D Anywhere in germany goes.
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Same here - Cologne

Post by f3mg »

Unable to help, I´ll just take this chance to also ask for references - but in Cologne particularly - where I´ll be in a couple of months.


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Post by Geist »

I think I might have a suggestion:

They advertise themselves as "the largest pet store in the world". From what I've seen on their website and from their catalogues (unfortunately I haven't been to visit them myself yet) it must be a pretty amazing place.
Over 1000 tanks, both fresh- and seawater sounds quite nice ;)

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Post by Marc van Arc »

This is a list I got in an earlier post:
With regard to Zoo Zajac: it's certainly worth a visit. Lots of things can be seen and found overthere. But they didn't have many catfishes the 3 times I've been there...
Other worthwhile stores:
Blecha in Witten-Stockum
Zoo Bünten in Aachen
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Post by sidguppy »

Zoo Zajac is a surprise; sometimes it's well worth the visit, sometimes not.

if you want to buy non-fish aquariumstuff, however; THIS is the shop to go!
nowhere in Germany (or in NL for that matter) will you buy food, meds, pumps, filters, complete tanks so cheap.....

10 liters of high quality flakefood for 25E? yup
5 liters of prime quality tonic for 26-29E. aye
they carry ALL the spare parts of every Eheim that's still in production for bargain prices, they have almost every other brand as well.
and so on.

btw they have young Synodontis granulosus now; 4-5" fish.
3 granny's for 550E.....that's less than 200E for the genuine granny! haven't seen them as cheap anywhere and I was there yesterday; it ain't hybrids :shock:

they had the true petricola too, stunningly beautiful adult fish of the non-dwarf variety, but the 'northern' variety. except that the white edges were much brighter.
"petricola sp Giant"? I sure watched them for a long time.....
but I put my showtank for sale, with the coming upgrade, so can't buy more fish until the indoor swimming pool is all set up.

For the non-Rifters: I spotted a beautiful fat 8" Orinocodoras eigenmanni in one of their showtanks wich was for sale as 'Platydoras' (plenty smaller Platydoras in there). that's also a rarity, sort of.
and it's low season.

so I'm curious about the state of ZZ in october/november, when it's the height of weird-import-catfish-season.
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Post by Durlänger »

From the same side that Marc got but with all German "Bundesländer" aswell as Swiss (Schweiz) and Austria (�sterreich).
Just coose were you will be in germany!
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