knifefish? no way!

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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knifefish? no way!

Post by vernonlarge »


Hi... I recently bought this cat being sold as a knifefish. It's doubled in size in 6 months and eats very healthy indeed. It takes to hiding in the rocks most of the day, emerging only at feeding time and at lights out.

I've also picked up, what I thought was a large cory, which has also doubled in size to become a 5 inch monster. But again he's also timid and only shows at night, preferring the darkest hole in my tank.

Either one or both of them has taken to ripping the plants to shreds and digging and shifting sand to make hollows in the tank.

Are you able to indentify these cats for me so I know how large they're likely to grow so I can look after them properly? They're currently housed in a 100 ltr tank with rocks and plants and 2 clown loach, corys, my 4 year old pleco and my 5 year old parrott for company.

Any advice would be great!
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Post by CEfire »

The bottom picture looks like some kind of synodontis cat to me. I would guess S. Nigrita...
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Post by sidguppy »

the pictures are very bad.....but my guess is that the topfish is Heteropneustes fossilis

the bottom one is some sort of Synodontis
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Post by vernonlarge »

Thanks guys. I think you're right about the Heteropneustes fossilis but not too sure about the Synodontis as I can't find a likely match on this site. It doesn't really have a pattern as such, just a general bronze tan, with a patchy white birth mark on it's head. I know the pix are bad but these fish are rarely seen during daylight, so to capture what I did took some effort! If I get the chance to get some decent ones together I'll post them. I'd like to know who's the culprit for shredding my plants to bits though... I will guess at the Syndontis having read the greek meaning!
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