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Newbie alert

Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 10:54
by KathyM
Hi :)

My name's Kathy and I live in West Yorkshire with my partner Baz, 3 kids and the animals (various).

My fish:

2 x angels
2 x bolivian rams
3 x baby rainbow cichlids
5 x penguin tetras
6 x corydoras
3 x plecs (Royal, Gibby and BN of some description)

I've popped over from PF to see if I can get an ID on my ancistrus - off to post now :D

Lovely to meet you all!


Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 15:26
by MatsP
Welcome to Planet Catfish.


Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 17:59
by redzebra24

Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 18:20
by clunkster
hello and welcome kathym :D

Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 20:00
by KathyM
Thanks all of you :D

Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 23:18
by Shane
Welcome Kathy!


Posted: 11 Jul 2006, 02:08
by Shaun
Welcome to the site.
What sort of Corydoras do you have?

Posted: 11 Jul 2006, 08:06
by KathyM
Thanks for the welcome :D

Shaun - my cories are an unintentional mixed bag. I have two Sterbais, a sodalis (which came as a Sterbai *lol*), a leucomelas which was one of a pair but we lost one (they were the only two in the shop, and it's my fault we lost one as I didn't check barbels 'til we get home), and two melanotaenia (was three, but again lost one, this time in tank move).

Luckily the 2 sterbai, the leucomelas and the sodalis all shoal together. The melanotaenia don't shoal as much now they've lost one so I'm going to add a few cheap aeneus as I've found if they look similar they tend to shoal together.

It's difficult though because my LFS is pretty poor, so I'll have to wait and order them in elsewhere, or go to Trimar.