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Breeding Zebra Plecs

Posted: 25 Apr 2003, 08:06
by graham s
Hello all.

My Zebra Plecs have been breeding, has anyone else had much success breeding these fish and can pass on any tips ?????

Posted: 25 Apr 2003, 11:23
by Silurus
This is a topic that comes up fairly often. Read this for starters.

zebra brood stock

Posted: 25 Apr 2003, 14:39
by Shark Teaser
where would be a good place to buy a few zebras for brood stock? and what would i need to look for in terms of size, age, etc. will it be neccessary to use wild caught stock? i would need to have them shipped to the virgin islands.

also, i am interested in breeding them for sale in the states. does anyone have ideas aabout what the going prices are both wholesale and retail? i am hoping that, if my efforts are succesful, i can produce them in quantity some day and be able to offer them at an affordable price. of course shipping is a concern so i am trying to work out good rates with the airlines and fedx.

Posted: 25 Apr 2003, 23:56
by ClayT101
Are there any signs that you notice when they are about to breed? I have 9 in a 30 gallon long. I think that I have a juvinile female that is ready to breed, she always stays in the openings of different adult males caves. I just don't think these males want to breed, so I will probably put several of them up on aquabid in order to allow one of the juvinile males to have a cave. Does this sound like a good idea?

Posted: 12 May 2003, 19:15
by markyboy22
I have just had another two spawnings in the last 10 days. The same male but with seperate females obviously. The reason that I am writing this was because previously I was asked if removing the eggs from the male would reduce the time between batches?
I was unsure but now I believe that although the removal of the eggs has allowed the male to fertilise the eggs of another female it does not infact increase the period in which the female gestates which I have found to be approx 5 weeks.
The removal of the eggs will also help maintain the male fitness and health as they will not eat for the three weeks that they remain with the eggs/fry and this must put some strain on them.
ClayT you mentioned any particular behaviour patterns, I have noticed that the female will often occupy the cave for several days at a time to try and induce the male, this can go on for upto a week. the male seems to sense exactly the right time to join her. They can then spend upto three days locked in the cave before he releases the female, perhaps this is due to a premature joining of the two, as other times the female may only be their for the one day.
I have found that the females then go into hiding for a couple of day, sort of a recovery period.

Hope this answered a few questions
Cheers Marc

Posted: 13 May 2003, 03:46
by ClayT101
I think that I may have a juvinile female ready to breed. I think that I am going to have to get rid of some of my adults. I will probably put them on aquabid soon :(