Synodontis Ocllifer - ocular problems

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Synodontis Ocllifer - ocular problems

Post by Angelface23 »

I'm a new member to planetcatfish and I have to say I LOVE this place!! I hope someone here can help me...

I have a synodontis ocllifer who I've had about two years now, who this evening I noticed is blind!!! I rarely see either of the two that I have due to my heavily planted tank filled with many caves. I noticed something was wrong when he was out swimming in daylight! It does not appear to be a fungus or a film over his eye, but that the blacks of his eyes have turned completely white. No other part of his body has spots or any marks on it. Just the eyes. The other ocllifer is just fine as the plecostomus and south american bumblebee catfish and the african cichlids. I'm at a loss to what might be wrong with this one fish! he's a good size, I bought him at 1 1/2 inches long and he's now 6 inches. I added some natural anti-fungal medication JUST incase it's something curable with meds.
Water parameters are good, there was a water change tonight since it was due, but everything is still good, and he's in a 55 gallon tank.

Thank you for any help or information that can be offered!
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Post by CEfire »

If he is submissive to the other syno he could be sustaining damage in his eyes from bites. I have noticed that is one place that is frequently injured when my syno's fight. Mine clear up after a few days but yours may have sustained more permanent damage...

Just a thought, it could certainly be some disease too...
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Post by Angelface23 »

well you're the first person who has replied and I've posted everywhere!!

I'm keeping an eye on him, and he doesn't seem to be bothered by the other syno...they seem to be real buddies. I'm not noticing any other scratches or marks on his body, and all other fish are ok, including other catfish. it's fustrating!! but I will treat the tank a few days with melafix & pimafix. hopefully that will help or at least prove it's something not easily or never to be cured!
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Post by CEfire »

Another thought would be the diet of the syno's. Hopefully someone else will reply to your question, but until then, what do you feed them?
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Post by Angelface23 »

they are they eat a veggie based sinking pellet, and they also eat worms, fish and shrimp. They have been eatting the same thing for 2 years with no change. And they have never been ill with anything! ever! in this town they sell for over 60$...and these ones I bought for 4$ because they were mislabeled as upside down catfish! he seems to be doing fine still...he's a little bit more active, maybe because he is blind he thinks it's dark?? no idea lol he doesn't bump into anything in the tank, and so far the other fish are respecting him and leaving him alone
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