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Peckoltia and Panaque ID

Posted: 29 Jun 2006, 08:49
by Only enemy of the state
you can read the reason why i'm here in this topic, so go ahead ... hp?t=16282

so lets get to buisness. :wink:

here are the foto's of the Peckoltia on which i need some ID. ... state1.JPG ... state2.JPG

i thought that the foto's were a bit large so i just made a link to them.

now for the panaque

i saw this advert on a website a bit similar to ebay. ... D%26df%3D1

(very sorry for the enormous link)

so can you experts tell me which panaque it is. the owner says its caught in the wild.

Thanks an advance


Posted: 29 Jun 2006, 12:08
by Judazzz
Your unidentified pleco looks like a Peckoltia to me - not sure if it's a Peckoltia vittata (L015), however. There are many Peckoltia's that have a similar pattern, which makes ID'ing much more difficult.
You can find pictures of my L015 P. vittata here:

The other one (from is a Royal Pleco, Panaque nigrolineatus (L190) or one of the very similar species known under the name L027 - to find out which variety it is, we need pictures of the actual fish. Can grow to at least 40cm. in size (although that will take years and years), is a wood-eating species (tank should contain some pieces of wood, and in addition you can feed algae/spirulina pellets and fresh vegetables), and in my experience a relatively active, hardy and easy to care for fish that tends to loose its fear of its owner quite rapidly - most definitely a great fish to own (one of my personal favorites). Only downside is that even for pleco standards they produce enormous amounts of waste (because they eat wood, which is hard to digest), so very powerful mechanical filtration and frequent gravel vaccuuming and water changes are essential to keep the tank clean.

Posted: 29 Jun 2006, 13:39
by MatsP
Looks like to me. But I'm not 100% sure.

One reason I think so is that I've seen several posts in the near past of "This looks almost like P. vittata, but it isn't, what is it?", where the fish turns out to be L80.


Posted: 29 Jun 2006, 14:46
by H.N
A big Panaque looks like either Rio Tocantins or Rio Xingu
populations. A Brazilian population of P. nigro (L27s).

Posted: 29 Jun 2006, 19:04
by Only enemy of the state
MatsP i don't think that it is an L080. the markings are quite different. i thought i looked like an L202, but does any1 of you thinks the same, or am i horribly wrong.

about the Royals. i picked them up this afternoon, and off course i made some pictures. i hope you can ID these beautiful creaters for me.

this is the first first:

and the second:

and the both of them:

if you need more pictures of my L's just call'em out and i'll try to shoot them.

they are both in an 180 liter tank now but they will be moved in a few monts to my 500 liter tank

Posted: 30 Jun 2006, 09:34
by Yann

I think your Peckoltia is Peckoltia sp L202!!

Posted: 30 Jun 2006, 17:00
by Only enemy of the state
anyone else thinks its a L202?, i've mailed nearly every fish store in the netherlands, and just one of has the possiblity to order a L202.

the sexing is done by the spikes who are at the base of the most forward fins right?

if so i have a male en will order a female.

Posted: 04 Jul 2006, 11:40
by Only enemy of the state
I've got some new pics for you to chew on:

all of them are of the second Royal, the were taken while he was sitting in the shade.

I hope I get an ID of them pretty soon, especially on the Peckoltia.

the first royal is still kinda shy, but i'll try to get some photo's of him 2.

Posted: 04 Jul 2006, 16:45
by H.N
The first Royal pleco is Rio Tocantins pop.
The second is...still not sure.
Can you take a pic of its mouth, so I can count the tooth.

Posted: 04 Jul 2006, 18:13
by Only enemy of the state

Posted: 04 Jul 2006, 19:54
by Judazzz
Only enemy of the state wrote:I've got some new pics for you to chew on:

all of them are of the second Royal, the were taken while he was sitting in the shade.
I think this one is a 'Common' Royal Pleco, Panaque nigrolineatus (previously also known as L190) - I'd say one from the Llanos population (tail fin has a 'window').
He reminds me of my own (more pics for comparison here):

I don't know about the other Royal, though.

Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 15:06
by H.N
A P. nigrolineatus from Orinoco basin.