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Speciality Bristlenose?

Posted: 21 Jun 2006, 03:58
by thecichlidpleco
I have a few african ciclid tanks and was wondering if there was a bristlenose out there that was more attractive than the common? Any suggestions or experiences would be appreciated.

Posted: 21 Jun 2006, 10:00
by MatsP
Sure there is. L182 - does look a bit more stunning with small white spots on a nearly black body, and some white trim on the fin-edges.

However, the problem with almost all of the "more attractive" (the ones with a black body, at least) are that they are blackwater species. Their natural habitat is therefore much lower pH and hardness than the "average" brown bristlenose habitat. The common bristlenose is common because it's very adaptable. The A. dolichopterus is less common because it's much less adaptable, and thus requires more special care. I'm not saying you couldn't have one in an african cichlid tank - but if you're talking rift-lake tank with high pH and high hardness, then I would seriously doubt that it would have a happy and long life...

Of course, this belongs in the Loricariidae section in the forum, as although your cichlids may be from Africa, all Ancistrus come from the Loricariidae family, and are from south america (at least originally - they are commonly bred locally all over the world).
