Orange Spot Pl*co Care

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Orange Spot Pl*co Care

Post by ElectricYellowPlecostomus »

I have an Orange Spot Pl*co and am wondering if there are any special care requirements? All help is apprecieated.

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Post by Candice »

I have 3 of them. They need wood. Mine get a varied diet of algae wafers, zucchini, blood worms, flakes, and anything else from pellets to bioblend herbivoire that makes its way to the bottom of the tank.

I have my temp at 78, lots of water flow and a ph of 6.8.
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Here's a link to info about Panaque albomaculatus. ... ies_id=732
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Post by ElectricYellowPlecostomus »

Hi Candice!
Thanks for all the info! I will use your facts and the link you gave me as a guidline to keep my orange-spot. Also, is cucumber ok for them? Thanks!

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Post by fish fodder »

i have found that mine doesnt touch cucumber, he prefers meaty foods, prawns and blood worm are relished
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Post by MatsP »

They should be given sparingly with meaty food, plenty of wood, and may not realize that cucumber is food... I prefer courgette from cucumber, both because it's slightly more food per weight (there's more water in cucumber than there is in ocean "water" - but the cucumber is good in fibre, so it's not bad - but seeing as these fish LIVE in water, I don't see much point in feeding them more water... ;-) )

Beans, melon, spinach, potato, sweet potato/yams, and many other vegetables are fine too...

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Post by biomechmonster »

I have an orange spot pleco as well. How can I sex it? It's about 2" without the tail. How large do they get?

I recently moved mine into a 75-gallon aquarium, along with my giant bristlenose. It adapted quickly and started to explore within moments of being in the tank (unline the bristlenose, which sulked behind a clay pot for a while); they're quite adaptable fish!
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Post by Yann »


You can start to sex them with about 4'', I have a trio (1-2) all of them are well over 5''!!
They can reach under good aquarium condtions 6'' TL!!

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