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new 136b

Posted: 28 May 2006, 11:54
by jacked
hi all just got 4 new 136b's. very nice looking fish. hopefully i will be posting pic soon. my question is what to look for when sexing.

its been two days since i put them in my 54 gal corner tank. the tank has 4 slate caves and two wood caves. the tank also had 2 alb. bn. 3 of the new 136 quickly made new homes in the slate caves, even evicting the male bn from his cave. the agression between the 136 and bn seems to be over. but now the 3 136 in the caves seem to want each others cave. is this a sign that they are all male or would females also defend/prefer a cave like this. as for the other 136 'she' just likes to hide in the wood pile. all fish seem healthy and are eating everything i put in.

thanks for the help and any other insights,

Posted: 28 May 2006, 12:24
by racoll

The main problem people have when they post pics to sex fish, is that the fish just aren't mature yet.

They will probably need to be about 50-70mm TL before you can sex them reliably.

What we will need are really clear close-up "macro" photos from above, preferably both fish side by side.

Photos like this are what we want....


Male on the right and female on the left. The differences are quite clear.

You will probably need to remove the fish from the tank to get photos.

Good luck.
