black bullhead growth

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Location 1: Hamilton,OH

black bullhead growth

Post by boxhitter »

i got a black bullhead for the bait shop yesterday. i put it in my 90 gallon with some small festae's. i was just woundering how fast do they grow. he rocks will eat right out fo my hand and only around 2 inches long. thanks Jeff
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Post by LindaVamp »

Good luck with it!!! They are awesome! We got ours out of the canal at 3/4" long. He is about 3 years old and is roughly 6-7 inches long now. However he was kept in a 30 gallon tank for the majority of that time. We've had some problems with him since we moved him into the 55 gallon tank, but thats in a whole different post. LOL
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Post by boxhitter »

wow thats really slow how many water changes to do do a month?
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Post by Sandtiger »

I don't have a black but I do have a brown bullhead and he has been growing fast, I doubt the difference between growth in the two species is that different. I got him in August and he was around 4" long, he is now between 8 and 9". He get's weekly or bi-weekly water change and a heavy diet of earthworms, beefheart, cichlid pellets, wafers, frozen bloodworms/brineshimp/mysis/shrimp, crayfish, insects, shrimp pellets and other various fish foods. He was in a 30g tub or a couple months, then a 55g and now a 75g. There are various threads about him on this forum.
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